I.         DESKRIPSI
Produktivitas di tempat kerja dihasilkan dari serangkaian proses dengan melibatkan banyak tenaga kerja, baik profesional maupun operasional. Namun demikian, seringkali muncul keluhan, bahwa semangat kerja, kepekaan terhadap masalah dan kebersamaan kurang terjalin dengan baik. Untuk itu, membangun budaya kerja yang berorientasi terhadap produktivitas dan kualitas prima sangat diperlukan dalam menghadapi persaingan yang semakin ketat
Membangun karyawan di perusahaan (shop floor) berarti membangun sikap positif serta budaya produktivitas dan kualitas untuk memenuhi kepuasan pelanggan.  Mengapa ini penting? Merujuk konsep Pareto, 80% karyawan yang bekerja di perusahaan berada di shop floor, 80% masalah juga muncul di shopfloor, dan peningkatan performance perusahaan 80% di tentukan di shop floor.

II.       TUJUAN

Setiap peserta yang mengikuti pelatihan ini mampu :
·         Memahami pentingnya kerjasama di tempat kerja
·         Meningkatkan semangat kerja dan rasa memiliki
·         Menggali potensi diri untuk bekerja dengan tiga fromula: Bekerja Keras, Bekerja Cerdas, dan Bekerja IkhlasMembangun motivasi dan budaya
·         improvement di tempat kerja
·         Motivasi diri
·         Memanamejemeni Perubahan di tempat kerja
·         Kecerdasan Pikiran
·         Kecerdasan Emosional di Tempat Kerja
·         Kecerdasan Spiritual di Tempat kerja
·         Sikap positif karyawan dalam bekerja
·         Membangun sikap dan budaya positif

IV.       METODE

§   Presentasi
§   Diskusi
§   Simulasi
§   Evaluasi akhir


1. Dr. Khoirudin Bashori, M.Psi
Praktisi dan Akademisi yang memiliki Pengalaman Mendampingi Perusahaan multinasional dalam Membangun team kerja, budaya kerja perusahaan dan leadership


General Manager, Middle Manager, Section Head, Group Leader, Innovation Leader. empployee


Inhouse di selenggarakan oleh Perusahaan selama 3 hari..

§   Sertifikat
§   Souvenir
§   Training Kit
§   Handout/Module


Biaya pelatihan dan sertifikasi sebesar:
Rp. 40.000.000,- per angkatan (Maksimal 20 orang) belum termasuk pajak
§   Peserta  tambahan dikenakan biaya sebesar Rp. 500.000,- per orang.
§   Biaya tersebut tidak termasuk pajak - pajak, akomodasi dan transportasi lokal.

Pembayaran dapat dilakukan melalui transfer ke rekening :
CV JP CONSULTANT : MANDIRI Bank Yogyakarta Branch Acc. No.  1370007857077


JP Consultant
              Kalibayem No. 436 Ngestiharjo Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta
              Phone                :  02743326339
              Email                :
 Contact             : Sari (08122758271)
                                        Damiri (083867388077)

Applying Strategic Thinking to Operational Management

Offering Training
Applying Strategic Thinking to Operational Management
Ø      Leverage strategic thinking at the operational level to add organizational value
Ø      Maximize operational core competencies to implement organizational strategy
Ø      Bridge the gap between organizational and operational goals
Ø      Foster an innovative culture to overcome strategic challenges
Ø      Develop an effective change process that satisfies stakeholder needs
Ø      Secure the commitment of key stakeholders
Frontline managers wishing to apply strategic thinking to their operational management skills.
Successful operational managers use strategic thinking to move beyond reacting to day-to-day events, ensuring that their decisions are aligned with organizational values, vision and goals. In this course, you gain the practical skills to effectively integrate strategic thinking with daily operations. You learn to apply strategic thinking, innovate to create opportunities, plan for change and meet stakeholder needs.
1. Introduction
·                                 Strategy: everyone's concern
·                                 Identifying the strategic challenges facing operational managers
·                                 What strategy means to operational managers
2. Defining Strategic Thinking
    a. The key aspects of strategic thinking
·                                 Distinguishing between strategic thinking and strategic planning
·                                 Identifying the impact of strategy on operational activity
·                                 Aligning the organization's vision with reality
·                                 Creating sustainable competitive advantage
    b.  Creating value for stakeholders
·                                 Recognizing the importance of stakeholders in the strategy process
·                                 Satisfying the needs of the stakeholders
     c. Applying strategic-thinking tools
·                                 Positioning yourself within the four cycles of operational effectiveness
·                                 Decoding your environment with PESTLE
·                                 Analyzing the organizational ecosystem with Porter's Five Forces
3. Leveraging Operational Strengths
    a. Evaluating operational capabilities
·                                 Differentiating between organizational and operational competencies
·                                 Taking inventory of the key strengths within your operation
·                                 Rating competencies against strategic goals
        b. Maximizing your unique operational strengths to deliver stakeholder value
·                                 Optimizing internal processes
·                                 Shaping opportunities by scanning the external environment
4. Executing Strategy at the Operational Level
    a. Getting real about the vision
·                                 Qualifying the gaps between operational and organizational vision
·                                 Establishing the foundation for realizing goals
    b. Bridging the strategic gap
·                                 Questioning assumptions to uncover new solutions and drive new discoveries
·                                 Managing operational strategic assets
·                                 Rigorous planning through scenario assessment
·                                 Quantifying the impact of proposed solutions
5. Creating an Innovative Culture
     a. Employing an innovation framework
·                                 The importance of innovation in strategic thinking
·                                 Promoting nonlinear thinking
·                                 Generating solutions through value engineering
·                                 Optimizing solutions by challenging the status quo
      b. Adapting your culture to satisfy strategic demands
·                                 Meeting the five preconditions for an innovative culture
·                                 Facilitating team innovation
      c. Innovating to create competitive success
·                                 Qualifying innovation traits
·                                 Benchmarking objectives against actual performance
      d. Quantifying the financial metrics
·                                 Verifying decisions through financial analysis
·                                 Incorporating a stakeholder perspective
6. Planning for Operational Change
     a. Weaving change into the fabric of the culture
·                                 Being proactive in a reactive environment
·                                 Implementing operational change through people, processes and culture
·                                 Motivating the team to adopt the change
     b. Constructing a change process
·                                 Configuring your resources to encompass change
·                                 Measuring results through balanced scorecards
·                                 Reviewing and communicating progress
7. Securing Stakeholder Commitment and Resources
     a. Communicating for buy-in
·                                 Applying influencing techniques to overcome resistance
·                                 Negotiating for resources using win-win approaches
      . Maximizing your impact
·                                 Presenting your intentions to key decision makers
·                                 Earning support with entrepreneurial techniques
·                                 Articulating an elevator pitch that secures commitment
v       Presentation
v       Discuss
v       Case Study
v       Evaluation
v       Simulation
H. Irfan Riza, SE, MSi, MA
Drs. Miswanto, MSi

They experienced in human resources management
13-16 February 2012
25-28 June 2012
22-25 October 2012
4 days
08 am – 04 pm

IDR 7,000,000.00 per participant non residential
Course fees can be transferred to the following account number :
CV JP CONSULTANT : MANDIRI Bank Yogyakarta Branch Acc. No.  1370007857077

¨     Module / Handout
¨     Certificate
¨     Souvenir
¨     Training Kit
JP Consultant
Kalibayem No. 436 Ngestiharjo Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta
Phone         :  02743326339
Email          :
Contact      : Sari (08122758271)
                    Damiri (083867388077)

Achieving Leadership Success

Offering Training
Achieving Leadership Success
  • Leverage Emotional Intelligence (EI) to improve your effectiveness as a leader
  • Identify the core competencies of Emotional Intelligence
  • Gain an honest and accurate awareness of your EI strengths and weaknesses
  • Achieve greater personal effectiveness through self-management tools and techniques
  • Harness the social and emotional potential of your team to improve performance
  • Integrate and apply EI to develop and transform your personal and professional potential
Managers, leaders or anyone wishing to broaden and improve their self-management and interpersonal skills in order to become more effective in the workplace.
In today's competitive business climate, organizations need leaders with more than technical and intellectual competence to maintain a competitive advantage. Successful leaders combine strong interpersonal skills with technical knowledge to improve their potential and performance. The core competencies of EI provide the foundation to further develop your intra/interpersonal skills. In this course, you learn to apply EI to motivate and engage your teams, foster cooperative working relationships, and improve your overall effectiveness.
1.      Fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence
a. Establishing a common definition of EI
·                                 Identifying multiple intelligences
·                                 Removing common misconceptions about EI
b. The benefits of EI in the workplace
·                                 Assessing your individual EI baseline
·                                 Setting the context for authentic leadership
2. Assessing Your Emotional Intelligence
a. The value of the EI Competency Model
·                                 Evaluating a proven 2x2 model
·                                 Analyzing the core competencies: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management
b. Measuring and interpreting your EI
·                                 Outlining your personal profile
·                                 Determining your strengths and areas for development
3. Increasing Self-Awareness
a. Recognizing and affirming your emotions
·                                 The value of being honest and open with yourself
·                                 Establishing healthy boundaries with others
·                                 Emphasizing the importance of personal congruency
b. Developing personal authenticity
·                                 Demonstrating authentic leadership through your actions
·                                 Balancing personal effectiveness through greater control and flexibility of your emotional responses
4. Mastering Self-Management Techniques
a. Applying EI best practices
·                                 Recognizing your own response patterns and triggers
·                                 Reframing self-talk for better results
·                                 Employing self-control in stressful situations
b. Gaining greater control of your actions
·                                 Acquiring awareness of your personal filters
·                                 Increasing your range of behaviors for personal effectiveness
·                                 Pinpointing and breaking default behavior patterns
5. Building Social Awareness and Interpersonal Effectiveness
a. Reading the emotional landscape
·                                 Recognizing and valuing the emotions of others
·                                 Evaluating the impact of emotions on performance
·                                 Interpreting nonverbal communication
b. Creating a positive EI environment
·                                 Practicing self-disclosure to improve relationships
·                                 Applying the Johari Window framework
·                                 Leveraging active listening techniques
c. Facilitating effective communication
·                                 Mitigating the risk of unmanaged emotions
·                                 Creating a positive emotional landscape
·                                 Actively engaging the emotions of others
6. Enhancing Team Performance through Relationship Management Tools
a. Improving team dynamics
·                                 Analyzing the patterns of interpersonal behaviors
·                                 Influencing the dynamics of the team to improve performance
b. Balancing individual team member roles
·                                 Dealing with negative emotions and difficult behavior
·                                 Enhancing trust and accountability through the application of EI
·                                 Motivating others through authentic leadership
·                                 Facilitating work relationships in a team environment
·                                 Fostering higher levels of employee engagement and morale
7. Becoming an Emotionally Intelligent Leader
a. Bridging the gap between management and leadership
·                                 Debunking the myths of management
·                                 Recognizing the contribution of emotionally intelligent leadership
·                                 Adapting your leadership style to fit the environment
b. Demonstrating emotionally intelligent leadership
·                                 Applying EI competencies to leadership
·                                 Delivering difficult messages
c. Integrating EI into your professional life
·                                 Transferring competencies into real-world situations
·                                 Creating the climate for performance excellence
·                                 Coaching others
d. Embedding the EI framework
·                                 Leveraging your self-assessment
·                                 Linking your assessment results to your goals
·                                 Developing a personal action plan
v       Presentation
v       Discuss
v       Case Study
v       Evaluation
v       Simulation
H. Irfan Riza, SE, MSi, MA
Patisina, ST, M.Eng.

They experienced in leadership

06-09 February 2012
18-21 June 2012
15-18 October 2012
4 days
08 am – 04 pm

IDR 7,000,000.00 per participant non residential
Course fees can be transferred to the following account number :
CV JP CONSULTANT : MANDIRI Bank Yogyakarta Branch Acc. No.  1370007857077

¨     Module / Handout
¨     Certificate
¨     Souvenir
¨     Training Kit
JP Consultant
Kalibayem No. 436 Ngestiharjo Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta
Phone         :  02743326339
Email          :
Contact      : Sari (08122758271)
                    Damiri (083867388077)

Achieving Excellence in Customer Service

Offering Training
Achieving Excellence in Customer Service
Ø      Provide exceptional customer service that achieves results and gets noticed
Ø      Adopt the skills and techniques that routinely deliver positive customer experiences
Ø      Maximize the value of your customer interactions
Ø      Deal effectively with difficult customers and turn complaints into opportunities
Ø      Contribute to a customer-centric culture and achieve greater personal growth and customer satisfaction
Ø      Demonstrate a positive, confident and professional approach with internal and external customers
Anyone from any organization who needs to build effective relationships with external or internal customers. This includes help desk, technical support, front-line or support staff. This course may also be of interest to managers and team leaders wishing to coach and develop staff performance toward a customer-focused culture.
Providing outstanding customer service often makes the difference between gaining and keeping a customer or losing one. This course offers the tools and techniques to ensure you build and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with your customers. As a result, they become loyal advocates for you and your organization.
1. Customer Service Excellence: Why It Matters
     a. The importance of How
·                                 Focusing on the how as well as the what
·                                 Developing a relationship of mutual trust
·                                 Influencing customer perceptions
·                                 Calculating the lifetime value of your customer
·                                 Exceeding customer expectations
2. Creating the Customer Experience
     a. Emotional aspects of the customer experience
·                                 Making the initial connection with the customer
·                                 Presenting a positive first impression
     b. Identifying the differentiators of excellence
·                                 Taking responsibility for demonstrating customer care
·                                 Navigating the customer through the process
·                                 Instilling confidence with a personal approach
      c. Fostering long-term relationships
·                                 Adopting a positive mental attitude (PMA)
·                                 Small actions that ensure attention to detail
3. Communicating Effectively with the Customer
      a. Developing excellent communication skills
·                                 Establishing rapport with your customer
·                                 Personalizing the message
·                                 Matching words and nonverbal signals
      b. What you say and how you say it
·                                 Verbal and vocal techniques that work
·                                 Avoiding the quirks and distractors
·                                 Banishing jargon to create clarity
·                                 Matching words with nonverbal communication
      c. Adopting a problem-solving approach
·                                 Turning active listening into problem solving
·                                 Employing questioning techniques that focus on outcomes
·                                 Encouraging a spirit of inquiry rather than adversary
·                                 Moving to a team approach with the customer
      d. Achieving results for the remote customer
·                                 Choosing and using appropriate media
·                                 Applying best practices in call center etiquette
·                                 Top tips for e-customer care
4. Dealing Constructively with Tough Situations
      a. Calming upset customers with active listening
·                                 Demonstrating emotional intelligence
·                                 Displaying empathy and showing neutral support
·                                 Establishing rapport and defusing anger
·                                 What you should not say to an upset customer
      b. Techniques for dealing with difficult people
·                                 Remaining objective in challenging situations
·                                 Personalizing and depersonalizing messages
·                                 Asserting your position through polite repetition
·                                 Handling the obstinate customer
      c. Transforming complaints into opportunities
·                                 Generating useful feedback and learning
·                                 Turning a negative situation into a loyal customer
·                                 Tapping into the potential advocate within your customer
5. Contributing to a Customer Service Culture
      a. Demonstrating leadership in customer service teams
·                                 Mapping the internal customer network
·                                 Strengthening weak links in the chain
·                                 Influencing a customer-centric corporate culture
      b. Measuring customer satisfaction
·                                 Setting and monitoring performance standards
·                                 Tracking progress with internal indicators
·                                 Enabling customers to express satisfaction
·                                 Constructing a customer service charter
      c. Monitoring the team's development
·                                 Seeing customer service as an attitude, not an accident
·                                 Coaching your team for success
5. Making Excellence a Habit
      a. The characteristics and practices of excellence
·                                 "Sharpening the saw" to hone your customer service skills
·                                 Projecting a professional image with internal and external customers
·                                 Ten rules that epitomize success
·                                 Measuring personal growth and achievements
      b. Executing your personal action plan
·                                 Constructing personal development goals
·                                 Committing to immediate action
v       Presentation
v       Discuss
v       Case Study
v       Evaluation
v       Simulation
Drs. Bambang Darmadi, MM

He experienced in human resources management
 11-14 June 2012
08-11 October 2012
4 days
08 am – 04 pm

IDR 7,000,000.00 per participant non residential
Course fees can be transferred to the following account number :
CV JP CONSULTANT : MANDIRI Bank Yogyakarta Branch Acc. No.  1370007857077

¨     Module / Handout
¨     Certificate
¨     Souvenir
¨     Training Kit
JP Consultant
Kalibayem No. 436 Ngestiharjo Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta
Phone         :  02743326339
Email          :
Contact      : Sari (08122758271)
                    Damiri (083867388077)