Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving

Offering Training
Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving
Ø   Make better decisions through critical thinking and creative problem solving
Ø   Adapt to different thinking styles in group and team environments
Ø   Recognize and remove barriers to individual and group creativity to foster an innovative work environment
Ø   Systematically analyze a target problem
Ø   Present your ideas clearly and concisely for maximum stakeholder buy-in
Ø   Transform your creativity into practical business solutions
Individuals at any level of an organization who want to apply creativity and critical thinking skills to their decision-making process.
Successful organizations recognize that critical thinking and creative solutions to problems significantly enhance business potential. Today's decision makers must use a variety of thinking styles, methodologies and creative processes. In this course, you develop your skills as a critical thinker and problem solver. You learn to leverage your personal thinking preferences using tools and techniques based on cutting-edge technologies.
1. Introduction
·         Balancing people, processes and tools for optimal decisions
·         Business drivers that demand creative problem solving
·         Deciphering critical thinking
2. Leveraging Personal Thinking Styles
     a. The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI)
·         MacLean's Triune Brain Theory
·         Assessing your preferred approach to thinking
·         Leveraging whole-brain thinking
·         Identifying left/right-brain dominance
     b. Analyzing personal preferences
·         Identifying your own natural brain dominance
·         Determining nondominant approaches
     c. Managing thinking preferences
·         Avoiding quadrant bias
·         Bridging opposing styles
·         Predicting coworker profiles
3. Unleashing Your Creativity
     a. The creative environment
·         Setting the creative stage
·         The power of positive communication
·         Identifying elements that stimulate creativity
·         Eliminating barriers to innovation
     b. Group creative thinking
·         Brainstorming options
·         Challenging assumptions
·         Dispelling personal and corporate myths
     c. The iterative mind
·         Moving between quadrants
·         Valuing nondominant preferences
·         Stretching outside your personal style
     d. Recording the creative process
·         Drawing mind maps
·         Chart writing
4. Solving Problems Using Analysis and Prioritization
     a. Systematic approaches to problem solving
·         Defining criteria
·         Focusing on outcomes
·         Leveraging left-brain thinkers
·         Applying questioning techniques
·         Deconstructing problems using stair-step techniques
     b. Analyzing the creative process
·         Identifying business-critical ideas
·         Categorizing, prioritizing and purging
     c. Avoiding analysis paralysis
·         Overcoming the "It won't work here" mentality
·         The Five Monkeys Syndrome or "But we've always done it this way"
·         Analyzing for outcomes, not solutions
     d. Applying analysis models
·         Situation assessment
·         Decision analysis
·         Problem evaluation
5. Translating Creativity and Analysis into Practical Application
     a. Organizational politics
·         Recognizing the workplace culture
·         Maintaining outcome-focused goals
     b. The influence of decision-making styles
·         Recognizing your own blind spots
·         Self-awareness and self-regulation
·         Forming a coalition with style opposites
     c. Deploying your decision
·         Clearly expressing analysis results
·         Ensuring organizational benefit
·         Guaranteeing maximum buy-in
6. Putting It All Together
     a. Integrating your solution into the business
·         Creating a whole-brain presentation
·         Strengthening your nondominant position
·         Adjusting communication to thinking styles
·         Transforming confrontation into communication
     b. Continuing your development
·         Conducting self-checks
·         Being persistent: a key trait of successful creatives
·         Mapping thinking skills to your business
7. Your Personal Decision-Making Toolkit
·         Your personal thinking style
·         Your stakeholders' styles
·         Flexing to colleagues' styles
·         Committing to your Personal Action Plan
·         Checklists for success
v  Presentation
v  Discuss
v  Case Study
v  Evaluation
v  Simulation
GITA DANUPRANATA, SE, MM dan Bambang Wahyu Nugroho, SIP., M.Si

They experienced in human resources management

Yogyakarta, 22-24 November 2011,
 5-7 Desember  2011
3 days
08 am – 04 pm

IDR 6,000,000.00 per participant non residential
Course fees can be transferred to the following account number :
CV JP CONSULTANT : MANDIRI Bank Yogyakarta Branch Acc. No.  1370007857077

¨  Module / Handout
¨  Certificate
¨  Souvenir
¨  Training Kit
JP Consultant
Kalibayem No. 436 Ngestiharjo Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta
Phone        :  02743326339
Email         :
Contact      : Sari (08122758271)
                    Damiri (083867388077)

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